Chapter 13. Installing and administering Symbiosis

Table of Contents

13.1. Installing Symbiosis running on Debian 6.0 (Squeeze)
13.2. Upgrading Symbiosis from Debian 5.0 (Lenny)
13.3. Release notes
13.4. Packages installed by Symbiosis
13.5. Systems administration and Symbiosis

Symbiosis will install well on a freshly-installed Debian 6.0 system. Currently it is only available for i386 and amd64 architectures, running on the Linux kernel.

It is designed to be as friendly as possible for beginners, whilst maintaining flexibility for more experienced systems administrators. Later in this chapter we’ll spell out a few basics to bear in mind when working with a system running Symbiosis.

13.1. Installing Symbiosis running on Debian 6.0 (Squeeze)

Installing Symbiosis on Debian Squeeze is relatively straightforward. Before beginning it is advisable to have complete, tested backups of your system. That said, the Symbiosis packages have been designed to install, and be removed cleanly.

In order to install Bytemark Symbiosis on Debian 6.0 (Squeeze) add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/symbiosis.list.

# Bytemark Symbiosis Packages
deb  ./
deb-src  ./

Then run the following commands to install a complete Symbiosis system. This will pull in all the packages and software needed to run a system as described by this manual.

apt-get update
apt-get install --install-recommends bytemark-symbiosis

13.2. Upgrading Symbiosis from Debian 5.0 (Lenny)

Upgrading from lenny should be straightforward, but it does involve touching nearly every part of system. Debian provide comprehensive release notes, of which chapter 4 covers the recommended upgrade procedure. It is worth reading, although for convenience we have produced a shorter version in this section.

The first thing to do is make sure that you have backups. These should be kept in /ver/backups/localhost, and they should be up to date.

Now we can proceed with the upgrade. Next we can alter /etc/apt/sources.list. Essentially change all instances of the word lenny to squeeze. Also comment out the debian-volatile repositories, as these have been removed in the Squeeze release. Then change the Symbiosis repository lines to match those shown in the previous section.

An minimal /etc/apt/sources.list

deb  squeeze main contrib non-free
deb  squeeze-updates main contrib non-free
deb           squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
deb  ./

Having done that, the Apt lists can be updated, and the upgrade started.

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

During the upgrade, various questions will be asked. Here are the questions along with the answers that should be given. Note that these are the questions that are caused by having lenny Symbiosis installed. There may be others asked depending on the precise state of the system.

Questions asked during the upgrade

Q: Use dash as the default system shell (/bin/sh)?
Q: Services to restart for GNU libc library upgrade
Q: Services to restart for PAM library upgrade
Q: Override local changes to /etc/pam.d/common-*?
Q: PAM profiles to enable
Q: Unable to migrate to dependency-based boot system
Q: Overwrite configuration file /etc/apt/
Q: Overwrite configuration file /etc/mysql/my.cnf?
Q: Overwrite configuration file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf?
Q: Overwrite configuration file /etc/symbiosis/backup.d/conf.d/10-directories.conf?
Q: Overwrite configuration file /etc/apache2/conf.d/security?
Q: Overwrite configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl?
Q: Overwrite configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default?
Q: Overwrite configuration file /etc/apache2/ports.conf?
Q: Overwrite configuration file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini?
Q: Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?


Use dash as the default system shell (/bin/sh)?




Services to restart for GNU libc library upgrade


All the services mentioned — just click OK.


Services to restart for PAM library upgrade


All the services mentioned — just click OK.


Override local changes to /etc/pam.d/common-*?




PAM profiles to enable


Unix authentication


Unable to migrate to dependency-based boot system




Overwrite configuration file /etc/apt/


Install the package maintainer’s version Y.


Overwrite configuration file /etc/mysql/my.cnf?


Install the package maintainer’s version Y.


Overwrite configuration file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf?


Keep the local version currently installed N.


Overwrite configuration file /etc/symbiosis/backup.d/conf.d/10-directories.conf?


Install the package maintainer’s version Y.


Overwrite configuration file /etc/apache2/conf.d/security?


Install the package maintainer’s version Y.


Overwrite configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl?


Install the package maintainer’s version Y.


Overwrite configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default?


Install the package maintainer’s version Y.


Overwrite configuration file /etc/apache2/ports.conf?


Install the package maintainer’s version Y.


Overwrite configuration file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini?


Install the package maintainer’s version Y.


Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?


No — this will be configured later.

Following the completion of the dist-upgrade, it is recommended that symbiosis-mysql is specifically installed, as this will upgrade the MySQL server to version 5.1.

sudo apt-get install symbiosis-mysql

Finally we can fully enable phpmyadmin by setting up a MySQL database for it. To do this run:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin

Questions raised during the reconfiguration of phpmyadmin

Q: Reinstall database for phpmyadmin?
Q: Connection method for MySQL database of phpmyadmin
Q: Name of the database’s administrative user
Q: Password of the database’s administrative user
Q: MySQL username for phpmyadmin
Q: MySQL application password for phpmyadmin
Q: MySQL database name for phpmyadmin
Q: Web server to reconfigure automatically


Reinstall database for phpmyadmin?




Connection method for MySQL database of phpmyadmin


Unix socket.


Name of the database’s administrative user




Password of the database’s administrative user


Enter the MySQL root user’s password. This should be the same as the admin user’s password.


MySQL username for phpmyadmin




MySQL application password for phpmyadmin


(leave this blank)


MySQL database name for phpmyadmin




Web server to reconfigure automatically


Just apache2.

And that should be it!

13.3. Release notes

Following the release of this software, several small issues came to light. Here is a summary of those issues and the fixes that can be put in place if needed.

Backup bolus

Following an upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze, there is a change in time format in the backup2l list files. This results in a full backup being made even though a lot of the data haven’t changed.

The solution is to do a new top-level backup immediately, i.e. provide a new baseline. However you might find that this removes an entire set of previous backups. This is the recommended procedure in the manual page "shortly before or after major changes are performed with the file system. In this case, a lower level should be specified in order to avoid that a large number of files are backed up multiple times again."

To do this, run

sudo backup2l -b 0

phpMyAdmin / SquirrelMail / PHP application session failures

People are reporting various phpMyAdmin / SquirrelMail failures. e.g.

  • Inexplicable login failures in Squirrelmail
  • phpMyAdmin complaining about lack of parameters
  • phpMyAdmin just refreshing instead of creating users
  • phpMyAdmin being slow

The current solution to this is tweaking the PHP5 Suhosin configuration file, or removing PHP Suhosin completely. Suhosin plays a role in keeping your machine secure against badly coded applications. There is more information about it, and why it should be used on its website.

The Suhosin configuration is kept in /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/suhosin.ini. The item to change is suhosin.session.encrypt and it should be uncommented and set to off. Once done, Apache should be restarted.

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

The alternative is to remove Suhosin. Please consider the security implications before doing this. To remove it run the following command.

sudo apt-get remove --purge php5-suhosin

Repeated emails from Cron

There are a couple of emails that might get set regularly by cron. The first references PHP5 mhash.ini which is a deprecated module. To fix run

sudo apt-get remove --purge php5-mhash

The second is one complaining that /usr/sbin/exim_rewrite_scan cannot be found. To fix that remove /etc/cron.d/exim_rewrite_scan.

Firewall race conditions

There were a couple of race condition causing the firewall to trigger itself to run again whilst running.

This is now fixed in the latest packages and your machine should automatically update itself.

IMAP/POP3 authentication errors

Plain text logins have been disabled in the IMAP and POP3 server unless the connection is encrypted. This is to prevent transmission of unencrypted passwords. A typical error shown by an email client might be as follows.

Plaintext authentication disallowed on non-secure (SSL/TLS) connections.

There are two solutions.

  1. Firstly the client’s configuration could be adjusted to use to use SSL. This can be done by changing the protocol from IMAP or POP3 to IMAPS or POP3S. This will ensure passwords are sent over an encrypted connection.
  2. The alternative is to allow passwords to pass across the internet unencrypted. To do this edit /etc/dovecot/symbiosis.d/005-main/30-disable-plaintext-login and change disable_plaintext_auth from "yes" to "no". Then run:

    cd /etc/dovecot
    sudo make
    sudo /etc/init.d/dovecot restart

13.4. Packages installed by Symbiosis

Each component that makes up Symbiosis is separately packaged as follows. Each pacakge can be installed individually if needed.

Meta-package that pulls in the core requirements for a Symbiosis system, and as well as recommending all packages needed for a complete Symbiosis system.
Organises and configures backup2l to backup vital parts of the system, and rsync them to a remote location.
Contains the core libraries that Symbiosis uses to operate.
Provides the per-domain crontab service.
Configures Exim and Dovecot for use with Symbiosis.
Maintains the iptables and ip6tables firewalls, as well as providing automatic blacklisting and whitelisting.
Configures pure-ftpd to work with Symbiosis.
Configures the Apache web server.
Adds the Bytemark Symbiosis key to apt.
Provides service monitoring.
Brings in MySQL version 5.1, and configures it to bind to all interfaces, not just localhost, for remote access.
Brings in two PAM dependencies to make the system more secure — one checks passwords and warns when they are weak, the other sets per-user temporary directories.
Brings in phpMyAdmin, and configures it to use HTTP authentication.
Adds automatic DNS generation and upload to the system. Ties in with the Bytemark DNS service.
Adds daily automatic updates from a specified apt sources.list file.
Adds webmail functionality, using either Squirrelmail or Roundcube.

13.5. Systems administration and Symbiosis

Symbiosis is an attempt to encourage best practice at all times in systems administration, whilst keeping things as simple as possible, and free of surprises. As a result there are a few general rules to bear in mind when tinkering with your system.

Use of root, and other users

As far as possible Symbiosis will discourage you from using root when logging in and configuring the system. This primarily applies to

  • Anything in the /srv/ directory
  • The firewall configuration in /etc/symbiosis/firewall

For example, if a directory in /srv is owned by a system user or group, i.e. one with a UID/GID less than 1000, then it will not show up to various tasks, including, but not limited to,

  • Email and FTP logins
  • Cron tasks in config/crontab
  • Apache logging to public/logs/
  • Mail delivery to mailboxes.

In short, try not to use root if at all possible.

However it is perfectly possible to configure separate domains in /srv/ to be owned by different users, as long as they are non-system users, i.e. ones with user IDs greater than 1000. All programs will respect these permissions.

Customising configurations

Lots of configuration on the system is automatically generated to make Symbiosis work as it does. In previous releases of Symbiosis this meant that files would get overwritten without notice. However as of the Squeeze release in February 2012 configuration files are handled more conservatively.

Two things to watch out for. If a configuration file has


written in it, then there is a high chance that any changes will be overwritten. It has to be the exact wording and spacing above for overwriting to take place, so if that sentence is removed from the configuration then it will not get overwritten.

Similarly many files are generated from templates, for example DNS and apache snippets. These will now have a checksum at the bottom of the file.

# Checksum MD5 586732ff59e60115d0ec1c4905c72773

This checksum allows Symbiosis scripts to establish if the template used to generate the snippet has changed, if the data used in the generation has changed, or if the file itself has been edited. For example if an IP address is changed by editing config/ip, then that would allow the apache snippet for that domain can be updated, as can the DNS snippet.

This also means that sysadmins can edit the templates, and allow them to regenerate, or edit the snippets themselves safe in the knowledge that their changes will not get overwritten.

Other configuration styles

The Backup2l, Dovecot, and Exim configuration files are generated not with a template, but with a collection of snippets, which are joined and checked using a Makefile. This allows extra configuration snippets to be added in to the configuration.

If it is deemed necessary, sysadmins can add extra snippets to these configurations. The basic procedure is to read the configuration file, and decide where the extra directives need to go. This is made easier by the fact that through the configuration files comments are added showing where each part comes from.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# /etc/exim4/symbiosis.d/10-acl/40-acl-check-mail/00-header
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ACL that is used after the MAIL command

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# /etc/exim4/symbiosis.d/10-acl/40-acl-check-mail/90-default
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Allow anything not already denied to connect

In this example, if an extra directive were required in this ACL, then a file could be created in /etc/exim4/symbiosis.d/10-acl/40-acl-check-mail/, maybe with the filename 10-do-stuff. To create the new configuration, we’d then need to run make in /etc/exim4/. This would regenerate /etc/exim4/exim4.conf, and perform a basic syntax check. If happy with the new configuration, then exim4 could be restarted.

The equivalent Dovecot configuration is in /etc/dovecot/symbiosis.d/ which generates /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf. The Backup2l configuration is in /etc/symbiosis/backup.d/conf.d/, which generates /etc/symbiosis/backup.d/backup2l.conf.